Publishing Memoirs and Holocaust Stories

Publishing a Memoir

If you have written your life story, you have presumably reached an age that allows you to put into words your memories and life experiences, and perhaps you have lived a unique story that begs to be told.

It may surprise you how interesting your story can be to people who do not know you but nevertheless identify with your story, your life, or your experiences. Many memoirs are inspirational or offer a unique personal perspective on famous historical events in Israel or the world. Sometimes, memoirs are written for family members, a sort of legacy that one wishes to leave behind. But some memoirs sell extremely well, whether written by someone famous or merely by someone who knows how to tell a gripping story, and there is a wide audience around the world waiting to read such stories.

To make your biography available to the general public, the first step is translating it into English and then publishing it in the biggest bookstore in the world, Amazon. It is important to note that the entire process must be carried out professionally and with accuracy, to ensure the book a place of honor in the relevant category on Amazon.

In recent years we have had the honor of translating and distributing on Amazon several memoirs written by well-known personalities such as the millionaire Meshulam Riklis, Supreme Court Judge Gabriel Bach, conductor Stanley Sperber, the personal story of Yaffa Golan, an activist working to obtain reparations from Germany for Holocaust survivors, and many others. These books have been distributed all over the globe and have made echoes and received positive responses from readers in numerous countries.

Publishing Holocaust Stories

Many second or third-generation Holocaust survivors wish to immortalize the memory of the Holocaust, document their family history, and reveal it to the world.

The world seems to be more willing than ever to read Holocaust stories and learn about the history of World War II through the memoirs and personal stories of survivors. These books also act as an obstacle in the face of Holocaust deniers everywhere from Iran to the US, who never cease to circulate lies and conspiracy theories concerning the matter.

At eBookPro, we are a family-owned publishing house of second and third-generation Holocaust survivors. We have made it our mission to distribute these stories around the world, starting with the biggest bookstore in the world, Amazon. Our goal is to start by translating these books into English and later into many more languages, and publish them as digital, printed, and audio books.

To this day we have published many Holocaust books, which have been read by hundreds of thousands of readers and received wonderful reviews and emotional responses. Many of our books have had a part in bringing together long lost family relatives, survivors from the same villages, grandchildren of rescuers and survivors, and have facilitated more in-depth research of the Holocaust and genealogy being intensively conducted in Europe and the US.

We feel committed to maintaining this activity restlessly in favor of Holocaust survivors and future generations, and the authors earn substantial royalties from publishing their books, which help them to care financially for the elderly members of their families.

We continue to tell the story of the Holocaust, so if you or anyone close to you have written such a memoir, please be in touch with us.

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